Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tips and Pointers for Fetching the CTS Test

This article is a temporary post from Actor Largent, the Southwest Region Story Manager for Mitsubishi. Scott took the CTS in January, then he’s got a fresh perspective on the test. 


Now, here’s Scott’s direction for taking the CTS exam:


Taking any exam can be intimidating (remember popular quizzes and the SATs?), but next to preparation and practice, you’ll get those important CTS letters at the end of your name.

Here is some information and pointers that might help you:


1. You need only 70 correct answers out of 100 to pass.

2. The test has 110 duplex select questions and 10 questions don’t calculate, but you don’t know which they are.  I recommend you flag any questions you’re unsure of so locomote and count the number of questions you answered correctly (and you know they’re accurate because you studied). If you’ve got at smallest 70, then you should be fine halogen that point—the pressure is off!


Read the full piece »


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